
Peace Corps Timeline

each application timeline is unique, here is mine:

8/14/13: application and health history form submitted

8/23/13: references contacted, told to complete reference form within 10 business days

8/26/13: email from recruiter introducing herself and letting me know my references were contacted. Also highlighted what the next steps would be, including interview, resources for more info.

8/26/13: work supervisor reference submitted

8/27/13: emailed recruiter thanking her and telling her my references should be in soon

8/30/13: volunteer experience reference submitted

9/2/13: close friend reference submitted

9/3/13: email from recruiter telling me refs have been received, set up short phone call for next day

9/4/13: phone call with recruiter, more like a pleasant convo...she asked me some questions (can you bike? Swim? Comfort levels..why I want to join, etc).

...Received email right afterward with instructions on setting up a face to face with recruiter at UW-Madison (closest regional recruiter). Emailed him right afterward with my availability

9/5/13: Response from UW recruiter, interview set up for 9/18/13

9/18/13: interview! Super laid back & enjoyable. More like a conversation. Was told to get ready to wait & that not hearing is not a bad thing!

**Government Shutdown**

10/01/13: email from recruiter telling me that the Midwest regional office will be closed during the shutdown and that she will be in touch when the shutdown is resolved.

**Shutdown resolved**

10/21/13: email from recruiter telling me that she is behind due to shutdown but I should hear from her within 10 business days regarding my application and the next steps forward

10/28/13: call from recruiter, I'm at work so I miss it. She leaves a voicemail telling me to call her back

10/29/13: call recruiter back, get her voicemail. Leave a message. She calls back an hour later and tells me based on what I put in my medical history form and the open programs, she wants to nominate me for Health sector in Swaziland with a tentative departure of June 2014!

10/31/13: official nomination email received from recruiter. Says I should receive legal kit within 2 weeks and medical forms via email within 48 hours :)

11/25/13- medical pre clearance

12/13/13- legal pre clearance

12/18/13- email asking me to upload an updated résumé

1/2/14- email saying file was forwarded to a placement specialist for final suitability review

2/5/14- invite

2/7/14- acceptance of invite

2/11/14- PC passport application sent via USPS

4/14/14- final medical and dental clearance

5/6/14- final legal clearance

6/24/14- staging in Miami

6/25/14- departure for Belize


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